IoT and Indoor Positioning System (IPS/RTLS)
The automation of a work environment depends largely on accurate data collection and its integration into reports or other parallel systems. It is not a simple task to deploy data collection devices, but with the appropriate IoT architecture (Internet of Things) such mass deployments can be handled without problem. A particular case is the application of UWB (Ultra Wide Band) stations that calculate the position of an indoor tag (where the GPS signal won't reach) using radio triangulation, and generate a mapping similar to what a GPS would provide outdoors.
Tags: iot, uwb, ips, mqtt, emqx, indoor, location, positioning, things, rtls, gps, rfid, leaflet, ocr, alpr
Indoor Positioning System (IPS/RTLS/UWB)
Our IPS Indoor Positioning System solution is based on UWB (Ultra Wide Band) radio. Until recently, many solutions to provide location service under roofing, where GPS does not arrive, used Beacons Bluetooth. The uncertainties and poor accuracy of these systems have been proven. UWB, however, allows stable networks to be established with base stations that radically triangulate the position of objects with an accuracy of about 10cm.
Vehicle tracking in indoor parkings
If you do not want to deploy a complete IoT system to control your fleet using IPS / GPS devices in each vehicle, you can use a cheaper alternative: put in place our cameras connected to OCR and Machine Learning systems, ready to control the use of parking spaces, manage free parking spots and report the withdrawal of an asset. Each camera covers a certain number of places and the "virtual guard" records each license plate or identifier with a time stamp for each demarcated area, at a comparatively low cost.The system can use OCR to declare the presence of vehicles by license plate detection and also Machine Learning to detect the presence of generic elements (people, animals, etc.), so it is applicable to other industries with needs other than those of a garage. You can check the quality of our ALPR(Automatic License Plate recognizer) based on OCR technology.
Low Latency Data and Web Architectures (MQTT)
If you are planning the development of web or mobile app solutions that require communications with a server with special emphasis on speed and stability, it is advisable to incorporate a protocol such as MQTT into the solution. Despite not being very rich for heavy data movement, it does have other virtues that make it ideal as a candidate to be integrated into complex developments when low latency and reliability are key requirements.
EMQX and Mosquitto MQTT integrations
To take advantage of an IoT (Internet of Things) infrastructure, it is necessary to ensure communication with each device. Part of that communication should be based on the MQTT communications protocol, one of the most appropriate - if not the most appropriate - for this type of deployment. We work with EMQX and Mosquitto, among others, which are MQTT communications brokers. The architectural decisions for this type of mission must take into account the operating costs, and these two brokers offer a high quality-price ratio.